Free resource search and download service
- 請提供資源相關名稱或編號或圖片
- 請勿使用截圖,文字請複製貼上
- 或貼上該影片介紹的網址亦可
- 比較精準找到你要的資源
- 可使用 LINE 或 Telegram 或 Email 請小編代找資源
- 若不知資源名稱可參考下方按鈕進入資料庫查詢
- 藍光 & 4K 👉影片資料查詢 (1)
- 藍光 & 4K 👉影片資料查詢 (2)
- GV 資料庫 👉影片名稱查詢
- Please provide the relevant name or number or picture of the resource
- Do not use screenshots, please copy and paste the text
- Or paste the URL of the video introduction
- Find the resources you want more accurately
- You can use LINE or Telegram or Email to find resources on your behalf
- If you don’t know the name of the resource, you can refer to the button below to enter the database for query
- Blu-ray & 4K 👉video data query(1)
- Blu-ray & 4K 👉video data query(2)
- GV database 👉video name query